miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018


  1. Jewerlry adorn which you can wear on your neck.
  2. Very small stains which some people, specially redheaded, have on their skin.
  3. Person with a very disgusting appearance. The opposite of handsome.
  4. Long and flexible istrument which fishermen use for fishing.
  5. Technique by which you can tie two or more threads, ropes, laces or fishing lines.
  6. Fishermen prick it at the hook for catching fish.
  7. In the past, woman who did the laundry.
  8. Each one of the small snow crystals.
  9. Typical Christmas song.
  10. Internal organ which helps to process the food that we eat. It can be affected by hepatitis.
  11. Two small organs placed at your back. They filter the blood.
  12. Liquid and creamy medicine which you can drink.
  13. Fatal heart fail.
  14. Ankles are usually affected by this kind of lesion. Also knees.
  15. Small stripes of skin which appear next to your nails. They can be very painful.

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