martes, 9 de enero de 2018

Animal descriptions.

This is a simulation related to our next English exam. I give you some definitions of animals, and you have to guess them.

  1. It is a bird. It is black and white, with a red and long beak. It uses to live on church towers. It makes very big nests. What animal is it ?
  2. It is a mammal. It is big (over 200 kg) and dangerous. It has four legs. There are many species of them: polar, black, panda...
  3. It is a domestic animal. It runs very fast. It is possible to ride on it.
  4. It is an amphibious. It is like a frog, but bigger. It is a very ugly animal.
  5. It is a bird. It is white, with a very long neck. It swims in lakes. It is beautiful.
  6. It is a mammal. It lives in Africa and Asia. It weights between 3.000 and 5.000 kg. It has got four legs, big ears and a trunk. It is very intelligent.
  7. It is an insect. It can fly. It uses to bite other animals, sucking their blood. It can transmit illnesses (malaria, yellow fever, etc)
  8. It is a reptile. It is big and carnivorous. It lives in some African rivers. It can swim. It has got a big mouth with many fangs.
  9. It lives in the ocean. It has got eight legs, called tentacles.
  10. It lives in the ocean. It is the biggest animal in the world. It's a mammal.

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