viernes, 12 de enero de 2018

Animal descriptions I I I

This is the last article about animals:

  1. It is a very strong, big and brave animal. It has got two horns. It is the male of cow.
  2. It is an aquatic animal. It's a mammal. It lives in lakes and rivers; also in the sea. It loves to eat fish; also clams, crabs and mussels. It is covered by fur.
  3. It is like a crab, but longer and bigger. It has got two pincers. It is delicious.
  4. It is a domestic animal. It is omnivorous. It uses to be pink. When somebody is dirty or smells badly, we say that he is this animal.
  5. It is a big bird. It can fly. It has got a bald head. It eats death animals (carrion). It is ugly, with a very big and powerful beak.
  6. It is a very big bird. It can't fly. It has got a long neck. It has got black and white feathers, and long and tall legs. It lays big eggs (approximately 1 kg)
  7. It is the only mammal which can fly by himself. It is a nocturnal animal. It is related with Halloween and vampires. 
  8. It is like a wild horse. It is black and white. It lives in Africa.
  9. It is a very fat animal. It lives in African rivers. It has got a very big and wide mouth.
  10. It is an animal with eight legs, two pincers and more than 10 eyes. It has got a venomous sting at the end of its tail.

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