domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

Definitions about picture dictionaries.

Can you guess what am I talking about? What concepts are hidden behind each definition?

  1. Person who has no hair.
  2. Adorn which some men wear on their chest in special occasions.
  3. Hair which grows over the mouth.
  4. Group of dogs.
  5. "Prison" where we lock the animals up.
  6. Instrument made of metal which fishermen use for catching fish.
  7. Instrument which we light up. It uses to be tall and thin. It uses to be made of wax.
  8. In accordance with tradition, three persons who adored Baby Christ at the Crib.
  9. Explosive artifact which children use to burst at Christmas time.
  10. Mouth infection, specially at the gums.
  11. A symptom of infection which consists into high body temperature.
  12. Itching and swollen stain which appears in your skin after the bite of some animals, specially insects.
  13. Internal organ which pumps blood through your veins.
  14. Instrument used for measuring body temperature.
  15. Vehicle used for medical emergencies.

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