miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

Food definitions.

  1. Rabbits love to eat them.
  2. It scares away vampires.
  3. Spongebob lives in one of them.
  4. White drink which we obtain from animals like cows, sheep or goats.
  5. It is a fruit, red inside and green outside. Typical at summer time.
  6. It is a bulb. When you peel or chop it, you'll probably cry.
  7. It is a dense liquid produced by bees. It is sweet and amber.
  8. Hen lay them. They have a hard shell; and inside they have got yolk and white.
  9. Spiral sweet candy. 
  10. Very important foodstuff made with flour, salt, water and yeast. It must be baked before eating.

New actions.

Follow.                              Dig
Bother / abide.                  Drill.
Lend                                 Drift.
Hold                                  Skid.
Pull / Push.                       Melt.
Harvest                            Sow
Lift                                   Leap
Howl.                               Dive

Change                            Tweet
Admire                            Suck
Kiss.                                Hide / seek
Brush.                             Keep
Hug / embrace.               Cheer

sábado, 27 de enero de 2018

miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018


  1. Jewerlry adorn which you can wear on your neck.
  2. Very small stains which some people, specially redheaded, have on their skin.
  3. Person with a very disgusting appearance. The opposite of handsome.
  4. Long and flexible istrument which fishermen use for fishing.
  5. Technique by which you can tie two or more threads, ropes, laces or fishing lines.
  6. Fishermen prick it at the hook for catching fish.
  7. In the past, woman who did the laundry.
  8. Each one of the small snow crystals.
  9. Typical Christmas song.
  10. Internal organ which helps to process the food that we eat. It can be affected by hepatitis.
  11. Two small organs placed at your back. They filter the blood.
  12. Liquid and creamy medicine which you can drink.
  13. Fatal heart fail.
  14. Ankles are usually affected by this kind of lesion. Also knees.
  15. Small stripes of skin which appear next to your nails. They can be very painful.

lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

More and more definitions.

  1. Hair that some men have on their face.
  2. Marks which appear on your face at the old age.
  3. Adorn that you can wear hanging from your ears.
  4. Instrument which allows hunters to shot far preys.
  5. Acuatic vehicle, used at fishing.
  6. Group of birds.
  7. Animal which drags Santa Claus sleigh.
  8. Typical adorn at Christmas time. It uses to have a star on the top.
  9. You can tie a present with this.
  10. Instrument which inoculates medicine in your blood.
  11. Person who cannot listen.
  12. Person who cannot see.

Actions game.

Play this game and remember some of the actions which I taught you.

Actions I

More definitions.

  1. Instrument which rolls up the fishing line.
  2. Animal tracks that hunters use to follow.
  3. Instrument which sinks when a fish is eating the bait.
  4. Man who looks after cattle in the countryside: sheep, cows, goats...
  5. Vehicle in which Santa Claus travels at Chirstmas time.
  6. Something that you give to someone in order to show affection or love.
  7. A typical lesion of runners, not very serious, which appears in exhausted muscles.
  8. Pain on your teeth.
  9. Tooth putrefaction.
  10. It is a chair with wheels. People who cannot walk use it for moving.
  11. Sick person admitted in a hospital.
  12. Internal organ which rules the majority of physical and cognitive processes in our body. It is inside the skull.

domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

Definitions about picture dictionaries.

Can you guess what am I talking about? What concepts are hidden behind each definition?

  1. Person who has no hair.
  2. Adorn which some men wear on their chest in special occasions.
  3. Hair which grows over the mouth.
  4. Group of dogs.
  5. "Prison" where we lock the animals up.
  6. Instrument made of metal which fishermen use for catching fish.
  7. Instrument which we light up. It uses to be tall and thin. It uses to be made of wax.
  8. In accordance with tradition, three persons who adored Baby Christ at the Crib.
  9. Explosive artifact which children use to burst at Christmas time.
  10. Mouth infection, specially at the gums.
  11. A symptom of infection which consists into high body temperature.
  12. Itching and swollen stain which appears in your skin after the bite of some animals, specially insects.
  13. Internal organ which pumps blood through your veins.
  14. Instrument used for measuring body temperature.
  15. Vehicle used for medical emergencies.

viernes, 12 de enero de 2018

Clue for the next exam (January, the 16th)

I have given you 30 definitions of animals (Animals I, II and III) I will select ten of them for composing the exam. So, you only have to study the 30 definitions.

Animal descriptions I I I

This is the last article about animals:

  1. It is a very strong, big and brave animal. It has got two horns. It is the male of cow.
  2. It is an aquatic animal. It's a mammal. It lives in lakes and rivers; also in the sea. It loves to eat fish; also clams, crabs and mussels. It is covered by fur.
  3. It is like a crab, but longer and bigger. It has got two pincers. It is delicious.
  4. It is a domestic animal. It is omnivorous. It uses to be pink. When somebody is dirty or smells badly, we say that he is this animal.
  5. It is a big bird. It can fly. It has got a bald head. It eats death animals (carrion). It is ugly, with a very big and powerful beak.
  6. It is a very big bird. It can't fly. It has got a long neck. It has got black and white feathers, and long and tall legs. It lays big eggs (approximately 1 kg)
  7. It is the only mammal which can fly by himself. It is a nocturnal animal. It is related with Halloween and vampires. 
  8. It is like a wild horse. It is black and white. It lives in Africa.
  9. It is a very fat animal. It lives in African rivers. It has got a very big and wide mouth.
  10. It is an animal with eight legs, two pincers and more than 10 eyes. It has got a venomous sting at the end of its tail.

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

Crosswords about animals.

I've found some crosswords about animals. Please, play them and LEARN.

Animal descriptions I I.

Next Exam is comming. Here you have ten more definitions of animals. Try to guess them.
  1. This animal lives in Africa. It is yellow with brown stains. It has got a very long neck.
  2. This animal is completely black: black beak, black feathers, black eyes and black legs. It is a bird. It is very intelligent.
  3. This is the typical pirate's bird. It has got multi - coloured feathers. It can talk.
  4. It is a very dangerous animal. It lives in the ocean, It's a fish. It has goot sharp teeth and a big mouth. Sometimes it attacks on humans.
  5. It is a mammal. It's not very big. It has got large ears and great round eyes. It is herbivorous. Bugs Bunny is the most famous of its species.
  6. It lives in the ocean. It has got five arms ¿Do you know Patrick, from Spongebob? He is one of them.
  7. This animal lives in the forest. It loves to eat nuts, hazelnuts and acorns. Scrat, from Ice Age film, is a very famous member of this species.
  8. This animal is a mammal. It has got four legs. It is like a small horse, but with very long ears. When somebody is a bit dumb, silly or stupid, we say that he is this animal.
  9. It is a domestic animal. It is a bird. It can't fly. It lays eggs. 
  10. This animal lives in the jungle, on the trees. It is very agile. It has got a very long tail. It loves to eat bananas.

martes, 9 de enero de 2018

Animal descriptions.

This is a simulation related to our next English exam. I give you some definitions of animals, and you have to guess them.

  1. It is a bird. It is black and white, with a red and long beak. It uses to live on church towers. It makes very big nests. What animal is it ?
  2. It is a mammal. It is big (over 200 kg) and dangerous. It has four legs. There are many species of them: polar, black, panda...
  3. It is a domestic animal. It runs very fast. It is possible to ride on it.
  4. It is an amphibious. It is like a frog, but bigger. It is a very ugly animal.
  5. It is a bird. It is white, with a very long neck. It swims in lakes. It is beautiful.
  6. It is a mammal. It lives in Africa and Asia. It weights between 3.000 and 5.000 kg. It has got four legs, big ears and a trunk. It is very intelligent.
  7. It is an insect. It can fly. It uses to bite other animals, sucking their blood. It can transmit illnesses (malaria, yellow fever, etc)
  8. It is a reptile. It is big and carnivorous. It lives in some African rivers. It can swim. It has got a big mouth with many fangs.
  9. It lives in the ocean. It has got eight legs, called tentacles.
  10. It lives in the ocean. It is the biggest animal in the world. It's a mammal.