martes, 21 de marzo de 2017


Bullying is something very old, as old as humans are. It consists in to harass to somebody systematically without any specific purpose. Why bullies harass you? Here I point the most common causes:
  • You wear glasses.
  • You aren't popular.
  • You are over or underweight.
  • You are of a different race, country or religion.
  • You are from a different socioeconomic background.
  • You are gay or lesbian.
  • You have a disability.
  • You are different.
NOTE: You could check that all the causes are stupid; as stupid as bullying is.

When you are bullied, how do you feel?

Emotions are varied. Bullied students usually feel alone, isolated, threatened, insecure... They also feel some psycological dysfunctions, like anxety, stress or depression. In extreme cases, the bullied person can commit suicide.

Why do some children bully?

This is a more complex matter. The bully child is a kind of psycho who cannot put himself in the place of the bullied person. It is a sick mind, somebody unable to feel empathy, affection or sympathy. Bullies usually come from problematic families. Many times their agressive and cruel behaviour hides a lack of emotion, familiar mistreatment or personal suffering. But this is not a excuse. He / she is doing wrong, and we must stop her / him in any case.

How to stop bullying?

There are two positions: how to stop bullying when you are being bullied and how to stop bullying when you are a spectator.

  • When you are being bullied... Don't be silent. Tell the problem to your family, friends and teachers. They want to help you against your enemy, and they will help you defeating him. If you keep silent, the bully will keep bullying you, each day a bit more. Remember: the bully will never stop if you don't stop him / her. How much time could you put up with it?

  • When you are a spectator... Don't look aside. Don't be coward. Don't permit injustice. Don't permit suffering. Help your friend if she / he is being bullied. Tomorrow you may could be the bullied person and then... would you like to be alone and isolated, without anybody on your side?


 I know that this is a very complicated topic. And I also know that it is very easy to say what to do, but difficult to do it. I tell you: "don't be scared; be brave; report the bully; protect your friends against the bully". But we really know that out of the school the bully is waiting for you, may in the park, may in the library, perhaps in a dark corner at the playground, waiting for the moment in which you have no protection.  The last choice it's yours: you can be weak or strong; you can hide yourself or face your enemy; you can be lamb, prey of wolves; or mastiff, warden of the herd. What do you want to be?

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