martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


In this report I want to make a review of some of the most popular olympic athletic competitions:
  • Resultado de imagen de athletics pitchRaces: athletes fight for being the first to arrive at the finish line. There are many distances: 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1.500m, 3.000m, 5.000m, 10.000m, half marathon (21km and 97m) and marathon (42km and 195m) Records in these races are awesome: the fastest man in the world can run 100m in 9,58 seconds. The record in marathon: 2 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds. Very fast!!!
  • Jumping: we can find many kind of jumps in this category: high jump (current record in 2m and 45cm), pole vault (current record in 6m and 16cm), long jump (current record in 8m and 95cm) and triple jump (current record in 18m and 29 cm)

Resultado de imagen de long jumpResultado de imagen de ruth beitia
Resultado de imagen de pole vault

Throwing sports: athletes try to throw some kind of object as far as possible. These objects are javelin, hammer, discus and weigh (shot put modality)
  • Javelin: it is a spear which weighs 800gr. Actual record is in 90m and 57cm.
  • Hammer: it is an iron ball which weighs 7,26kg attached by a steel wire to a grip. Current world record: 86m and 74cm.
  • Discus: a lenticular disc with a weight of 2 kilogrames, and a diameter of 22 cm. Current world record: 74m and 8 cm.
  • Shot put: an iron ball like in hammer throwing, but without wire. Current world record: 23m and 12 cm.
Resultado de imagen de hammer throwingResultado de imagen de javelin

Resultado de imagen de shot put throwingResultado de imagen de discus throwing

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