domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

St. Isidro.

St. Isidro is the saint patron of farmers. He lived in the XI century. He  had a very interesting life, a life between reality and legend. Today I'll tell you some of his most famous miracles. These are, in my opinion, the most significant ones:

    Resultado de imagen de san isidro
  • One. St. Isidro used to go to the church in the morning, before working the growing fields. For this reason, sometimes he was late. One day his boss went to the church looking for him. He scolded Isidro, taking him back to the farm. When they arrived, surprise! Oxen were ploughing the fields by themselves. The boss understood that God had interceded for him.
  • Two. St. Isidro used to prepare a big meal for poor people every year. But once there were too much people, and food wasn't  enough. How Isidro solved it? He introduced the food in a very big copper pot and miraculously it multiplied.
  • Three. One year came a very severe drought. All the fields were dry, and crops couldn't grow. In accordance with tradition, St. Isidro stroke a rock with his mattock and a great spring appeared. There was enough water for all the growing fields and also for the town of Madrid.
  • Four. St. Isidro loved animals very much. One day he was carrying a sack of wheat, and he saw that birds were hungry. He opened the sack and gave the wheat to those birds. When he arrived to his house, the sack was full again. God had filled the sack as reward for his goodness.

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