domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

Definitions about Mythological beings.

  1. Magical female being, usually small, beautiful and winged. It lives in the forest. It can grant wishes. It is benevolent.
  2. Giant sea monster. It is like an octopus / squid. It appears on some sailor stories, eating up ships.
  3. Small male being, from Irish tradition. It is a small goblin. It wears a hat, jacket and trousers. Its representative plant is the shamrock.
  4. Sea being half woman, half fish. 
  5. It is a winged horse. Usually white.
  6. It is a horse, but with one horn on its head.
  7. Mythological being, half horse, half man. It is armed with bow and arrows.
  8. Mythological being, half bull half man. 
  9. Mythological monster, with a snake covered head. It could convert people into stone with only a glance.
  10. Magical male being. It lives in a lamp, and it can garant three wishes.
  11. Horrifying multi headed monster. In accordance with tradition, if you cut off one of its heads, other two ones appeared from it.
  12. It is like a big monkey, completely covered by fur. It is over 2m tall. It appears in regions like the Rocky Mountains or the Himalayas.
  13. Magical being almost like a person. They have sharp ears. They're beautiful and immortal. They live in the forest.
  14. It is a small person. It is the only of these beings who can really exist.
  15. It is a very big person, usually strong and armed with a club.
  16. A very big one eyed monster.
  17. A very ugly being. Traditionally it has been considered evil, dirty and foul. Shrek is the most famous one.
  18. Mythological being, half lion, half eagle. From Persian tradition.
  19. Mythological fire bird. It can be reborn from its own ashes.
  20. Female Mythological monster, half bird, half woman. It was very agressive and bloodthirsty.

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