martes, 8 de mayo de 2018

Questions about "George and the Dragon"

Answer these questions. Possibly they could appear on next exam.

  1. Who was St George? ¿What was his profession?
  2. In one of his trips, what did he find out?
  3. Who told him the story?
  4. Can you enumerate the five things that the villagers and the king did in order to stop the Dragon?
  5. When George knew that the Dragon was going to eat up the Princess, what did he do?
  6. How does the story end?

And here we go with the answers:

  1. He was a knight.
  2. He found out that a dragon was attacking a village.
  3. An old man.
  4. a) The villagers gave food to the dragon. b) They gave animals to the dragon. c) They gave money to the dragon. d) The king sent his army. This army is defeated. e) The king sent his daughter (the princess)
  5. He went to fight the dragon.
  6. George won the fight and he rescued the princess.

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