martes, 9 de mayo de 2017


Women can do just as well as men. Even better than men. In this report I want to talk about women in different fields.

Women in the army.

Yes; there are women in the army. And not only soldiers; also generals. The most famous case is Ann Elizabeth Dunwoody, general in the USA army. She ruled over thousand of soldiers. There are also many women who are captain, sergeant, colonel...

Resultado de imagen de woman generalResultado de imagen de women in the army

Women in Politics.

Many important political figures are women. Angela Merkel (the prime minister of Germany), Hillary Clinton (USA) Uxue Barkos (President of Navarra) or Cristina Cifuentes (President of Madrid) are only some examples They take important decisions, ruling over many other men and women.

Resultado de imagen de angela merkel

Women in the Universtity.

It is an undeniable fact: generally women study more and better than men. In the university, almost a 60% of students are women (that is, for each 6 women there are only 4 men) Think in our school, Santa Ana. How many male teachers are there? Only Álvaro and me. How many female teachers? Isabel, Gloria, Pepi, Elisa...

Resultado de imagen de class full of female students

Women in Football.

Recent news: A female team in a football league from Lleida wins in a male league. The girls are 11, 12 and 13 years old, and they have defeated the other teams, all integrated by boys. Do you still think that boys are better than girls?

Resultado de imagen de female football team in lleida

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