martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Ancient Egyptians.

In this report I will tell you about Ancient Egyptians. An awsome civilization which let us a lot of archaeological remains; also a big pile of mysteries

Who were Ancient Egyptians?

They were an old civilization appeared 5000 years ago and finished 2000 years ago (more or less) Along its 3000 years of life they made incredible things: great and beautiful buildings, tombs with delightful wall paintings, fine jewelry and goldsmith works... Let's talk about the most significative items which they gave us.

Top 5. Tutankhamun treasure.
Resultado de imagen de tutankhamun mask
In 1923 an archaeologist called Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun; and inside there, a fabulous treasure valuated in more than € (One thousand million euro). The archaeologist got  very rich by selling all those artifacts.

Top 4. Abu simbel.

It is a great temple carved into the rock. It was built by Ramses II, one of the most important pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. As you can see in the photo, there are four sculptures of Ramesses II in the facade. Also a gate whereby you can go inside the temple (right picture)

Resultado de imagen de abu simbel

Top 3. Luxor and Karnak temples.

They are two very big temples (And when I say big, it means big: more than 200 football pitches) These temples were like cities: they had academies, granaries, houses, gardens... See the photos below:

Resultado de imagen de luxor temple

Top 2. King's Valley.

Pharaohs used to make tombs for their rest in the afterlife. They made many of their graves in the same place: the Valley of the Kings. Archaeologists have found 65 tombs; but they suspect that there are more, yet unexplored. Sure that many treasures are still hidden, waiting for being discovered.

Resultado de imagen de the valley of the kings

Top 1. The great pyramid of Giza.

The most famous Egyptian monument. It is a special tomb built in the first era of the Egyptian Pharaohs. It is big; very big: 140 meters high on a square whose side is 230 meters. It is made with big cubes of stone, each one with an average weigh of 2,7 tones. The most amazing fact of this construction is that it was made without modern machinary (no trailers, no tractors, no cranes, not bulldozers...) All the stones were moved and placed only by means of animal strength.

Resultado de imagen de great pyramid of giza

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