jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017


Sure that you know someone who smokes. In this report I want to tell you about tobacco and all damages which produces in your health.

What is tobacco?

Tobacco is a plant with a peculiarity: it contains nicotine. Nicotine is a chemical substance, very adictive and venomous (1 gr. can kill 10 persons).

Resultado de imagen de Tobacco plant
Resultado de imagen de aztecs smoking
Originally tobacco was smoked by ancient Amerindians. When Christopher Columbus arrived to America, he discovered that natives used to burn dry leaves from this plant, breathing the smoke inside their lungs. Columbus brought the plant to Spain, and then people started to smoke it

What's the problem?

Very simple: when you breath tobacco smoke you introduce a wide variety of venomous substances inside your lungs; exactly more than 600: carbon monoxide, arsenic, hexamine, lead... the majority of these chemicals are carcinogenic.

Resultado de imagen de choked veinIs there a direct link between cancer and tobacco?

Of course. People who smoke will probably develop some kind of cancer along their life (the excact percentage is about 66%; that is: tobacco kills two in every three smokers) And not only lung cancer; also stomach cancer, larynx cancer, skin cancer...

Is there a direct link between heart diseases and tobacco?

Yes. When somebody inhales tobacco smoke, this smoke goes inside lungs; and from lungs, to the blood. There, all carcinogenic substances start to bolck the veins. Finally, in extreme cases, these substances completely choke the circularoty system, producing heart attacks, strokes, trhombosis...

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