- Do you feel sick, little rabbit?
- Hi, snake. Yes; certainly I don't feel good. Do you know why?
- Yes. You have drunk the water I poisoned this morning. Sure that you die in a few minutes; and later I will eat you.
- Oh, no! Don't tell me that!! My poor children are waiting for me in the warren. I have to suckle them, or they will die!!
The snake, looking that may she could get some delicious baby rabbits, hatched a plan for getting them.
- Well, little rabbit, although you'll die, there's one solution. I can take care of your babies. Why don't you tell me where is your warren? I promise you I'll protect them.
The little rabbit, desperate, explained the ubication of the warren.
- Ok, snake. I trust you. My warren is next to the river, in the waterfalls, under a willow. Go there and you'll find my babies. Please, take care of them!!
- You're stupid, little rabbit!! How do you think I was going to protect your babies? They're so tender, so appealing... I think they're going to be a nice dinner. Bye!!
The little rabbit died, but with a smile on her face. Of course that under the willow, next to the river, in the waterfalls, of course that there was a warren. But not a rabbit warren. That night, the mongoose ate a succulent green snake which had arrived asking for some baby rabbits.
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