jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

Medieval Definitions.

  1. Woman who rules a kingdom. She usually wears a crown.
  2. Man who rules a kingdom. He usually wears a crown. 
  3. Weapon made of metal (usually steel or iron) It is longer than a knife. It cuts, pricks and kills.
  4. Protection wore on head, usually adorned with feathers.
  5. Weapon which throws arrows.
  6. Defensive building. It is tall, and usually made of stone.
  7. Construction designed and built for crossing rivers, ravines, valleys...
  8. Long weapon (3 metres long, or more) It has got a metal tip which pricks.
  9. Name than rich women received in medieval ages.
  10. Soldier which rides a horse. He has got a shield and a sword.
  11. A very important person in Catholic Church. He has got a very representative hat. It is also the noun of a chess piece.
  12. It is a weapon with a handle, a chain and a metal ball at the end of the chain.
  13. A very big door, usually at cathedrals, castles or big buildings.
  14. It is the case in where the archer puts the arrows.
  15. It is a protection held with the arm. It can be round. It usually has an adorn: a cross, a dragon, a castle...
  16. A weapon. It has got a handle and a head made of iron or steel. It is perfect for chopping or cutting down trees.
  17. Weapon which can be thrown with a bow (or crossbow)
  18. Very big weapon used for throwing big and heavy stones.
  19. In Middle Ages, poor person who cultivated the land.
  20. A great construction with towers, domes, corridors, buttresses... It is like a big and important church.

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