martes, 12 de junio de 2018

A mummy's tale.

A mummy's tale.

  1. Where did the story happen?
  2. What was inside the classroom?
  3. What was the problem with this object?
  4. What did they decide to do?
  5. What did it happen later at the vicar's door? What did he think about that?
  6. Who else heard the noise?
  7. Where else the noise was heard?
  8. What did people finally think? 
  9. What happened with the casket again? What was inside it?
  10. What did they do in order to stop the problem? Did they get it?

jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

Remember "Illnesses and pain"

Illnesses and pain

Volcanic eruption in Guatemala

Today we'll also deal with this report about the last world's disaster: Volcán de fuego's eruption.

Volcán de fuego's eruption

The legend of the unicorn.

Today we'll work with this text.

Unicorn's legend

And these are the questions:

  1. Where does the story happen?
  2. What animal lived there? 
  3. Did people love the unicorn? Or did they want to hunt and kill him?
  4. How was the princess? Describe it.
  5. Why the princess went out of the caslte? What did she want to do?
  6. Did she get lost? Where did she arrive?
  7. The princess fainted. What animal found her? 
  8. Did the unicorn attack the princess? 
  9. What did the unicorn do with the princess?
  10. What law did the king promulgate about the unicorn?

martes, 5 de junio de 2018

Ulysess and the Cyclops.

Ulysses was an ancient Greek hero. He was completely human (no god was his father) He wasn't very strong, he couldn't fly, he had no magic... His only weapon was his great intelligence and cunning.

Resultado de imagen de Ulysses travelsUlysses was king of Itaca (a Greek island) He was called to participate in Troy's war. He was fighting more than 20 years, far from his house. During all this time he missed his wife Penélope, his son Telémaco and his land very much.

When the war finally ended (Ulysses was the architect of that victory, thanks to the famous trick called "the horse of Troy"), all warriors returned home. But Ulysses couldn't, because a problem he had with Poseidon, the sea god. Poseidon condemned him to travel around Mediterranean sea during 20 more years. Ulysess had lot of adventures: he listened to the sirens, he travelled to the hell, he saw horrifying monsters... The adventure I'm going to tell you is about cyclops Polyphemus.

Resultado de imagen de polyphemus sheepTrying to arrive at home, Ulysses found a lonely island. Because his foodstuff and water reserves were decreasing, he decided to stop there in order to get some supplies. Ulysses took a big jar of wine with him, as a present for possible island inhabitants.

In that island he found a cave in which there were many sheep. Also cheese, lambs, meat... Ulysses and his men, very pleased about their discovery, started to collect all that stuff.

But suddenly a great one - eyed giant appeared there, closing the cave with a big rock and capturing them inside. He got angry because those small "thiefs" were stealing his cattle. So, Polyphemus (this was the name of the monster, who in addition was son of Poseidon) decided that he would eat them that evening as dinner.

Resultado de imagen de polyphemus and ulyssesFortunately, Ulysses had an idea. He offered the wine jar to Polyphemus. The cyclop completely drank it, getting drunk and asleep. Then, the hero held an spear and drove it in the giant's only eye. Polyphemus awoke. Checking he had been blinded, he opened the cave and called his brothers asking for help. Ulysses and his men sneaked out from there, fleeing away from the island.

domingo, 3 de junio de 2018

Container definitions.

  1. Container usually made of wood, with a top and lock or bolt. Typical of Pirates.
  2. Bag, commonly used by women.
  3. Thin and long tube commonly used at laboratories.
  4. Big container usually made of wood. Wine can be stored and aged inside it.
  5. Piece of cloth, sewed by three parts, with a wide mouth. It can contain wheat, cement, animal feed... Santa Claus store presents inside it.
  6. Very small glass container. It usually stores medicine or poison.
  7. Very small glass. People serve alcoholic drinks on it.
  8. Container with handle in which you usually serve water at lunch time.
  9. Glass container with a top. People use to store jam, cereals, lentils, rice... inside it.
  10. Article where people keep their money. Usually made of leather or cloth.
  11. Cylindrical container with a handle. It usually contains water. 
  12. Article where you can keep or carry documents and papers. It has got a handle. It can be made of leather, cloth or plastic.
  13. Glass container covered by rope. Old - fashioned. It has got two handles. It usually contained wine.
  14. Place in which the postman introduces mail. 

Containers. Game on Cerebriti.


viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

The Minotaur.

One of the most beloved Greek legends is "The Minotaurus":

Resultado de imagen de theseus and the minotaurMany years ago there were two important cities: Athens and Knossos. Knossos was ruled by a cruel and despotic king called Minos. Minos was very powerful, and had conquered or dominate all lands around him. Athens was one of the conquered cities, and it had to pay a tribute of 100 young men and women every year. Their destiny was awful: to feed the horryfing monster half bull half man called "Minotaur".

At this point appears the hero: Theseus. Thesesus was prince of Athens. He decided to travel to Knossos hidden among the 100 young people with a fair goal: to kill the minotaur and to stop the annual tribute.

When Theseus arrives to Knossos, a girl called Ariadne falls in love with him. She tells him that if he wants to go out of the labyrinth, he has to take a ball of thread and unroll it while going inside the maze. After killing the monster, he should roll the thread again, returning alive to the daylight.

Resultado de imagen de theseus and ariadne
Theseus follows Ariadne's advice point by point. He kills the Minotaur, and then he comes back outside the labyrinth. When Ariadne is going to embrace and kiss him, Thesesus rebuffs her. She stood on the beach first astonished, then heartbroken, crying while the hero returned to Athens.


  1. What was the Minotaur?
  2. Where did he live?
  3. What problem had Athens with Knossos?
  4. How many young men and women were sent to Knossos every year from Athens?
  5. Who is the hero?
  6. What was his goal?
  7. Who helped Theseus?
  8. Did he kill the minotaur?
  9. How did he scape from the labyrinth?
  10. What happened with Ariadne?

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

Perseus and Medusa.

Perseus was another Greek hero, also son of Zeus. He had to kill Medusa, a horrifying monster.

Medusa once had been a very beautiful woman; but she was punished by immortal gods because her wickedness. She was transformed into a horrible monster; and the only thing she kept from her beauty was her face.

Resultado de imagen de perseus and medusaMedusa's blood was venomous; and she could convert to anyone into stone only with a glance. It was a formidable foe; for this reason Perseus ask for advice to Atenea, the ancient god of wisdom. Atenea, impressed by the courage of the hero, gave him three presents: a helmet of invisibility; a pair of flying sandals; and a mirror shield.

Perseus started his travel. He flew to the island where Medusa lived with the sandals. There he could enter into Medusa's cave hidden under the invisibility helmet. And finally he could cut off Medusa's head avoiding to look at her, using for this the mirror shield.

Then, Perseus could come back riding on Pegasus, the winged horse. He had many other adventures: he killed evil kings, he rescued beautiful princesses... But that is another tale, and shall be told another time.


  1. Who was Perseus?
  2. Who was his father?
  3. What was his hero's task?
  4. Describe Medusa.
  5. Who helped Perseus?
  6. What did she give to him?
  7. Where did Medusa live?
  8. How did Perseus kill Medusa?
  9. How could Perseus come back from Medusa's island?
  10. What was the name of the winged horse?

martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

Hercules and the Hydra.

Hercules was a hero from ancient Greece. He was son of Zeus, and he had a supernatural strength. During his life he had to achieve some incredible tasks: the very famous "twelve labours". One of them was to kill a terryfing monster called "Hydra".

Resultado de imagen de Iolaus and the hydraIn the place of Lerna, in ancient Greek, there was a horrible and awful monster called Hydra. It had nine heads, it lived in a very deep cave and it loved to kill and eat up cattle and people. Hercules, who was a hero, knew about it and decided to kill the monster.

But when Hercules arrived to the cave and started to cut off Hydra's heads, he could check that when he slashed one, other new two appeared from the bloody neck. Astonished, he flew away. Fortunately a nephew of him, called Iolalus, was over there. He was very intelligent, and he told Hercules that when cutting off heads, it was necessary to burn the wound in order to avoid the raising of new heads.

So both ones, Iolalus and Hercules, returned to the Hydra's cave. There, Hercules started again chopping heads; but this time his nephew cauterized the stumps. Hydra didn't raise new heads, and so Hercules could finish his task, killing the hideous animal.


  1. Who was Hercules?
  2. Who was his father?
  3. What was his "super - power"?
  4. Where did the Hydra live?
  5. How many heads had it got?
  6. Whad did it do with people and cattle?
  7. Why was so difficult to kill the hydra?
  8. Who helped Hercules?
  9. What did he tell him?
  10. Could Hercules finish his task?

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

Definitions about Mythological beings.

  1. Magical female being, usually small, beautiful and winged. It lives in the forest. It can grant wishes. It is benevolent.
  2. Giant sea monster. It is like an octopus / squid. It appears on some sailor stories, eating up ships.
  3. Small male being, from Irish tradition. It is a small goblin. It wears a hat, jacket and trousers. Its representative plant is the shamrock.
  4. Sea being half woman, half fish. 
  5. It is a winged horse. Usually white.
  6. It is a horse, but with one horn on its head.
  7. Mythological being, half horse, half man. It is armed with bow and arrows.
  8. Mythological being, half bull half man. 
  9. Mythological monster, with a snake covered head. It could convert people into stone with only a glance.
  10. Magical male being. It lives in a lamp, and it can garant three wishes.
  11. Horrifying multi headed monster. In accordance with tradition, if you cut off one of its heads, other two ones appeared from it.
  12. It is like a big monkey, completely covered by fur. It is over 2m tall. It appears in regions like the Rocky Mountains or the Himalayas.
  13. Magical being almost like a person. They have sharp ears. They're beautiful and immortal. They live in the forest.
  14. It is a small person. It is the only of these beings who can really exist.
  15. It is a very big person, usually strong and armed with a club.
  16. A very big one eyed monster.
  17. A very ugly being. Traditionally it has been considered evil, dirty and foul. Shrek is the most famous one.
  18. Mythological being, half lion, half eagle. From Persian tradition.
  19. Mythological fire bird. It can be reborn from its own ashes.
  20. Female Mythological monster, half bird, half woman. It was very agressive and bloodthirsty.

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2018

Definitions about tools.

  1. Instrument by which you can drive nails. It has got a handle and a head usually made of iron or steel.
  2. Grey powder used at construction for "sticking" bricks. It is usually prepared in the cement mixer.
  3. Instrument used for transporting heavy loads. It has got one wheel and two handles (or levers)
  4. You can thigten or loose screws with it.
  5. It is an instrument typical at gardening. Like a comb. You can prepare the ground or gather leaves with it.
  6. Device by which you can inflate your bicycle, or the wheels of a car.
  7. Small hexagonal piece usually made of metal. It usually thigtens a screw.
  8. Tool with two handles. It is used for cutting or bending wires and cables.
  9. It is a large tool. It has got a long handle and a flat metallic part. It is used for removing cement, sand, gravel... 
  10. An instrument used for lighting up. 
  11. Tool by which you can remove any filth stuck on any surface: paint drops, dried dirt... 
  12. Instrument suitable for doing perfect circles.
  13. You use this tool for thigtening metal nuts.
  14. Tool composed by a handle and a metal surface in which there are sawteeth. There are many kinds of it: for wood, stone, metal, diamond... 
  15. Electrical device designed for drilling surfaces (walls, wood, stone, metal...)
  16. Gardening tool designed for digging and removing soil.
  17. Harvesting tool composed by a long handle and a sharp blade. At Halloween, the Death holds it with his bony hands.
  18. Tool with a short handle and a flat metal surface. It is used at construction to spread the cement on bricks.
  19. Chopping and cutting tool. It is also a weapon. It has got a handle and a sharp head, usually made of iron or steel. 
  20. A small metal spike with a broadened flat head, driven into wood to join things together or to serve as a hook.

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2018


Play these games to review vocabulary and structures:

Food definitions

Health definitions

Health definitions II (very difficult; if you can do it, you're a crack!)

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

To be verb

I've found this game about "To be" verb. Play it and learn.

To be verb

A St. Isidro's day.

In the morning I woke up at 9 o'clock. Then I dressed up and later I went to the

culture house. I watched the parades, I rode one of them and I went to the river.

I put off my party dress and I went to the stands and I bought a bracelet.

Then I went to our tent and I ate. In the afternoon I walked over there with my

friends and we watched a couple of fights. We also jumped in the inflatable castle

and played the bottle game.

In the evening we came back to the town. Here I went to the square and I enjoyed

the music band (orchestra) And a councillor gave the rewards to the parades.

I went to bed at 2 o'clock at night.

International day of Recycling.

May the 17h is the "International day of Recycling". On this report we're going to answer some questions about Recycling.

What is recycling?

According to dictionary, recycle is "to convert waste into reusable material". Also "to use again".

 Why is so important to recycle? Here I give you three basic reasons:

Resultado de imagen de contamination pictures
  • Because, on Earth, resources are finite. If we don't recycle, one day there will be no more plastic, lead, copper, alluminium...
  • Because it is very expensive to extract / get raw materials; and cheaper to recycle them. The money we save with recycling can be allocate towards other ends: education, health services, roads, retirement pensions...
  • Because waste contaminates ground, oceans, rivers, forests... Making the Earth a worse place for living.

Consequences of not recycling.

Here I show you some of the most extreme consequences of not recycling. They're real problems which are striking us actually:

Resultado de imagen de plastic tide
  • The plastic tide: in the middle of some oceans, like Atlantic or Pacific,there is a great accumulation of plastic called "the plastic tide". It is killing all sea life beneath it. Scientists reckon that about a 60% of the total sea surface is covered by plastics.
  • Health problem: in some countries, like India, Uganda or Sri Lanka, landfills are killing people. Toxic waste contaminates water and soil.

What can you do?

Resultado de imagen de contenedores reciclajeYou can recycle. You know there are four kinds of containers: blue for paper and cardboard; green for glass; yellow for plastics and cans; and brown for organic waste. Don't be lazy and think of your planet!