lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017


These are the words that you have to learn.

Head: hat, cap, hair band, headphones.

Face: Piercing, earring, patch. glasses.

Neck: scarf, handkerchief, collar, necklace, tie, bowtie.

Body: vest, shirt, t - shirt, jumper, sweater, waistcoat, top, coat, raincoat, housecoat, jacket, belt, dress, blouse, tracksuit.

Legs: pants, trousers, jeans, skirt, leggins.

Hands: gloves, ring, bracelet, wristband, watch.

Feet: socks, trainers, shoes, boots, heels, sandals, flip flops.

Underwear: underpants, knickers, bra.

Here I leave some links for studying the vocabulary:

Clothing 1

Clothing 2

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