martes, 13 de junio de 2017

Heat Wave!!

Resultado de imagen de sun strokeWe are facing an extraordinary heat wave in Extremadura. It is consequence of climatic change (every year periods of hot weather are longer and more severe because we are continuously sending out CO2 to the atmosphere) What can we do in order to prevent health problems related to hot weather? Here I give you some advices:

  1. To drink water. When it's very hot our organism loses a great quantity of water. So, we have to drink more than usual.
  2. To use cool clothing (shorts, t - shirts, sandals...)
  3. If you are going to stay under the sun, use cap or hat.
  4. To use solar block in order to protect your skin.
  5. Eat cool meals: salads, gazpacho, fruit and vegetables, etc.
  6. Don't practice sports and don't do physical efforts from 11 in the morning to 7,30 in the afternoon. Otherwise, you can suffer a heat stroke.
What to do if somebody suffers a heat stroke:

A heat stroke is when your body, as a consequence of external heat, increases its temperature. It is very dangerous, even mortal. So, the first you have to do is to lower the body temperature. How? Look at the picture:

Resultado de imagen de sun stroke

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