martes, 18 de abril de 2017

World book day.

Did you know that books are relatively recent? Let's read the definition of book:

"A handwritten or printed work of fiction or non fiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers"

Actually books are relatively cheap; even free. But many years ago there were rare and expensive. Let's do a review of the evolution of books, from the first one until today.

Resultado de imagen de etruscan gold book
The first book: The Etruscan gold book.

It is a book created 2673 years ago and written by the Etruscans (an old civilization) It has got 24 pages with writing and pictures. This is the oldest one (see left)

The second oldest book: and Egyptian book.

It is a compillation of some religious texts written on papyrus and with leather covers. It is 1693 years old, and it is very deteriorated (see below)

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Medieval books.

In the Middle Ages monks used to copy books in their monasteries. The made them with calf skin. These books were very valuable because they were handmade, many times with gold, silver,jewelry and expensive inks:

Resultado de imagen de medieval book

Modern books.

The industry of modern books started in 1455, with the first European printed book. Gutenber was the first who printed a book (a Bible) by means of a print. Look at the machine (left) and the book which he printed (right)

Resultado de imagen de gutenberg printResultado de imagen de gutenberg bible

After Gutenberg, books became more and more cheap. Today everyone can take a book and learn whatever he / she wants. And this is fantastic, because even if you are poor, you can be wiser than somebody who is richer than you. The key: to learn and to know. TO READ.

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