jueves, 27 de abril de 2017


You told me that you like the song. We'll work it at class. But before it, a bit of History about Titanic sinking.

Resultado de imagen de TitanicWhat was the Titanic?

It was the biggest, strongest, safest and fastest ship in its time. It was 269 meters long (three football pitches); 28 meters width (like the lenght of three of our classes); and 53 meters heigh (like two towers of our town church). Its maximum velocity: 40 km per hour (very fast for a ship) Its buliders said that it couldn't sink. They were wrong.

When and where was it built?

It was built in Belfast, Northem Ireland. It was finished in 1912 (105 years ago)

Who was travelling on it?

A lot of people: 696 were crew (sailors, cleaners, cookers...) and 2.344 passengers. There were three different classes for passengers:

  • A first class for rich people.
  • A second class for not very poor people.
  • A third class for poor people.

Resultado de imagen de TitanicWhat happened with it?

It sank on April, the 15th, 1912, during its first journey across the North Atlantic Ocean. At midnight the Titanic collided against an iceberg. two hours later it sunk.

How many people died?

1.517 persons died. Some of them drowned; but the majority because the hypothermia (the cold death) Furthermore, there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone. A complete dissaster.

And why the song?

The song that we're going to learn is the soundtrack of an old and very famous film called "Titanic". This movie tells a love story within the frame of the journey and sinking of the Titanic. I hope you like it!

Resultado de imagen de titanic pelicula

martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Climatic records.

In this report I will talk about the most extreme climatic events ever recorded on Earth.

The coldest temperature ever recorded:

Resultado de imagen de vostok stationResultado de imagen de vostok stationIt was in Antarctica, at the scientific Vostok station. The record: - 89,2 ºC. Think on that here, in Fuenlabrada, when we talk about cold, temperature is -1ºC or -2ºC. Left: location of the station. Right: the station.

Resultado de imagen de death valleyThe hottest temperature ever recorded:

It was in the "Death Valley", USA. The record: 56,7ºC. It is so hot that it can kill you quickly. Some people say that it is possilbe to fry an egg on the asphalt.

The highest oceanic wave:

Resultado de imagen de Donosti wavesIt was recorded in North Atlantic Ocean, at a buoy not far from Scottish coasts. The height of the wave: 19 meters. Think that the tower of our church is only 26 meters high.

Here, in Spain, the highest waves are between 10 and 15 meters high. They are recorded in northem coasts, in regions like Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria or Basque Country.

Right: a photo taken in San Sebastian during a big storm.

Resultado de imagen de mawsynramThe rainiest place on Earth:

It is Mawsynram, in India. There, it rains a lot every day. Records ponit that the annual rainfall is 11.871 litres by square meter. Here, in Fuenlabrada, the annual rainfall is about 600 litres. People who live there are adapted to the climate. Look what they have invented in order to protect themselves from the rain!!