miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Comparative constructions in English.

Comparative examples:

Giraffes are taller than elephants.

Johnny is more intrepid than his friend.

The cheetah is faster than a lion.

My aunty is more intelligent than my uncle.

With short adjectives (tall, fast, etc) we add -er at the end for doing the comparative (taller than... faster than...) With long adjectives (two or more syllables) we use MORE.

Next friday we will try some examples of comparatives with the following adjectives:
(Note: they are graded from possitive to negative meaning)

Brave - coward.
Kind - rude.
Polite - impolite.
Funny - enterteining - enjoyable - boring - dull - Party Pooper.
Agile - clumsy.
Intelligent - brilliant - smart - clever - clumsy - dull - silly - fool - stupid.
Hard worker - Lazy.
The best - better - good - bad - worse - the worst.
Generous - stingy - scrooge - selfish.
Passionate - cold.
Burning (boiling) - hot - warm - lukewarm - chill - cold - freezing.
Awake - asleep - groggy.
Prudent - rash.
Pleasant - cantankerous.
Strong - weak.
Rich - por.
Dressed - naked - nude.
Trusting - distrustful.
Hesitant- determind.
Mischievous - naughty.
Tidy - untidy
Clean - dirty
Sleepy - drowsy.
Awesome - incredible - spectacular - charming.

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