martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016


From ancient times sea people have spoken about big oceanic monsters. In this report I want to tell you about them. Let's start:

The kraken:

It is an enormous squid which appears in many sailor tales. In accordance with some descriptions, the kraken can hold and eat up a medium sized ship. It has got eight tentacles and a terrifying beak for crushing the hulls of the vessels.

Resultado de imagen de kraken

Of course, it does not exist. The most simillar animal is the giant squid, a cephalopod which lives into deep waters (see the photo below)

Resultado de imagen de giant squid

The Megalodon:

It is a prehistoric shark which dissapeared two million years ago. In comparison with actual sharks, it was very big (see the photograph below)
Resultado de imagen de megalodon

At the bottom of the picture you can see a human diver. Above him, a white shark (the biggest actual shark in the world) Then, a medium size megalodon. And finally, at the top of the image, we have got an example of the biggest megalodon ever found.

The image that you have seen is a reconstruction, beacuse there isn't any megalodon skeleton (they had no bones, but cartilages) Paleontologists compared a megalodon fang with a white shark fang, and then they suposed its size thinking about the relation between both elements.

Resultado de imagen de megalodon fang
White shark and megalodon fangs
Although many people say that megalodon still exists, the real fact is that we have no evidences of its existence. But who knows. Maybe into the deep waters...

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