viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

Description of somebody

Hi! good morning. As I told you, now you have to write a text describing someone. Click on "no hay comentarios" for writing your text. I'll correct them this weekend, and next Monday you will know your score (from 1 to 10 points) Good luck!!

PD: you can ask for help :-)


Hi. My name is _________. I'm ____ years old. I have got _______ hair and ______ eyes. I like ____ and ________. Mty favourite sport is ________


Hi, I'm Sirius Black. I am 200 years old. I am evil; very very evil.
My favourite animals are bats, cats, snakes, spiders, crocodiles,
sharks and scorpions.
I don't like children, babies, flowers, unicorns, rainbows and so on.
My hated enemy is Harry Potter. One day I'll kill him forever.

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