lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

The locked room (3)

He is in the room. He's wearing black trousers and a black shirt. I don't know him.

Man: Hello. How's your head?
Me: My head? It's OK. It doesn't hurt now.
Man: Good.
Me: W here am I?
Man: You don't know?
Me: No.
Man: Are you thirsty?
Me: yes. I'm hungry and thirsty.

Man. Drink this.

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

The locked room (2)

Who am I? I can't remember. I can't remember my name. I can't remember anything. My head hurts a lot. I'm very tired. I'm going to sleep.

It's morning. I'm on the bed. I'm wearing the grey clothes. I'm very hungry and very thirsty. I can hear music again, it's the Mozart again. My head doesn't hurt now, but I can't remember my name. I can't remember anything. I can hear someone. There's someone outside the room. The door's opening...

viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

A water problem.

Six persons are drinking water. They drink 21 glasses. Each person has drunk a different number of glasses. Do you know how many glasses has each person drunk?


has drunk: ha bebido
each: cada


miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

The locked room (1)

During this Christmas I will upload a story in small chunks. This is the first one, worked today at class:

Where am I? I don't know. I'm in a beautiful room in an old house. There's a bed, an expensive chair and a beautiful table. I can't see anything form the window, only a green field. The sun is shining on the field. I can hear music, quiet music. It's Mozart.

Why am I here? I don't know. My head is hurting. I can't open the door, and I can't open the window. I'm wearing grey trousers and a grey shirt. I'm not wearing any shoes. I'm hungry and thirsty. There isn't any food or drink. There's a pen and some paper on the table. There isn't anything on the paper.

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

The two bottles.

There are two bottles on one side of a fountain. One of them fills 5 litres, and other 3 ltres. The aim is to get four exact litres.

Rules: you can only use the two bottles and water. You can transfer water from one to another bottle.


bottle: botella.
aim: objetivo.
get: conseguir

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

The raven and the jug.

There is a thirsty raven flying above the desert. Suddenly he sees a jug with water. He tries to drink, but he can't because the water level is at the bottom of the jug. Looking around, he can find many pebbles. Do you know what can he do for drinking the water?


thirsty: sediento
suddenly: de repente
jug: jarra de boca estrecha
tries: intenta
around: alrededor
pebbles: chinatos
Know: sabes

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

An interesting problem.

We have got a weighing scale and nine weights. All the weights the same, excepting one. Can you know what is de different weight in two weightings?

Translation: Tenemos una balanza y nueve pesas. Todas ellas pesan lo mismo, exceptuando una ¿Podrías saber cuál es la pesa diferente con solo dos pesajes?

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Parts of animals.


The list that we have learnt today at class. There's no translation because I've explain the meaning of these words at class. If somebody didn't copy the meanings, she/he must search them in the internet. I see you tomorrow!!

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

The letuce, the wolf and the sheep.

A shepherd wants to cross a river. He travels with a sheep, a wolf and a letuce. He has got a boat; but in this boat he can carry only one element from one to another bank. How can he cross the river? You should consider that:
  • The wolf eats the sheep if the shepherd lets them alone.
  • The sheep eats the letuce if the shepherd lets them alone.
Good luck!! We will solve the problem tomorrow.


Shepherd: pastor
wants: quiere
cross: cruzar
travels: viaja
boat: bote
carry: llevar
only: solo
bank: orilla
How: cómo
should: deberías
lets them alone: los deja solos

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Demolition of a tower.

As Iker said today, the power plant of Puertollano is being demolished. No more coal is going to be burnt at this power plant. Good news for our planet!


said: dijo
being: siendo
demolished: demolida.
Coal: carbón
burnt: quemado
news: noticias.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Ugly Duckling

Once upon a time there was a little Ugly Duckling. His mummy doesn't love him because he is different. So, he starts to walk and walk alone. He finds an old woman with a cat and a hen; but they don't love him. He finally arrives in a pound, and he stays there. But winter comes, and he becomes trapped in the ice. A farmer saves him from death. When spring comes, the farmer frees him in the pound. And, when Ugly Duckling looks himself in the water... Surprise! He can see that now he is a beautiful swan.


Once upon a time: érase una vez.
because: porque
alone: solo.
arrive: llegar
pound: estanque.
becomes trapped: quedar atrapado
ice: hielo
death: muerte
frees: liberar
when: cuando
himself: a sí mismo
swan: delfín

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

A very difficult problem.

Este va en español. Si alguien se atreve a intentar averiguarlo... ¡Buena suerte!

Mi madre y yo nos hemos pesado juntos en la báscula de la farmacia, y nos ha salido que pesamos 87 kg.

Luego nos hemos pesado mi padre y yo, y el resultado ha sido de 105 kg.

Finalmente se han pesado mis padres. Juntos pesan 118 kg.

¿Puedes averiguar con estos datos cuánto pesa cada uno de nosotros?

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

Another problem.

A long time ago there were two Scottish sheepherders enthusiastic about Mathematics. Their names: McMurray and Wallace. One day McMurray said:

- Hey, Wallace! Why don't you give me two of your sheeps? In this way I will have the same number of animals than you.

Wallace answer:

- ¿And why don't you give me one sheep? In this way I will have three times your sheeps.

¿How many sheeps had McMurray got? ¿How many sheeps had Wallace got?

Hace mucho tiempo había en Escocia dos pastores muy aficionados a las matemáticas. Sus nombres eran McMurray y Wallace. Un día dijo McMurray a Wallace:

- ¡Hey, Wallace! ¿Por qué no me das dos ovejas? Así tendré el mismo número de animales que tú.

A lo cuál respondió Wallace:

- ¿Y por qué no me das tú una oveja? Así yo tendré el triple de ovejas que tú.

¿Cuántas ovejas tenía McMurray? ¿Cuántas ovejas tenía Wallace?

Good luck / Buena suerte.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

A new challenge for today.

This is a beautiful problem. Try to solve it:

There are 29 children at class. There are boys and girls. There are three more girls than boys. How many boys and girls are there at class?

Translation: Hay 29 niños en clase. Hay niños y niñas. Hay tres niñas más que niños ¿Cuántos niños y niñas hay en la clase?

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

King Midas Story.

This is the story that we have watched today at class. Play it again and try to understand as much as possible!

King Midas story

Ahh, I almost forget it! This is the vocabulary of today, about school:

Corridor: pasillo
Extinguisher: extintor
Handrail: barandilla.
Grills: rejas.
Flag: bandera
Bench: banco (de sentarse)
Medicine chest: botiquín.
Stairs: escaleras (upstaris, downstairs)

Tomorrow we will continue learning new words in relation with school. Good afternoon!

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Maths Challenge (Reto Matemático)

Luis takes chess lessons every five days, and Mario every four. Today (Thursday), they have took lessons together. When will they meet again?

Luis toma lecciones de ajedrez cada cinco días, y Mario cada cuatro. Hoy (jueves) han tomado las lecciones juntos ¿Cuándo se volverán a encontrar?

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015


Today we have started to practise Lennon's song "Happy Xmas". Good job! It sounds fantastic. I think we can do a good performance. Let's go!!


practise: ensayar
performance: actuación.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015

Fighting against climatic change.

We are going to sow a "mini forest" in our school. But you can do much more for our planet:

1.- Use the car only when it is necessary.
2.- Swich off the electrodomestics when you aren't using them.
3.- Separate your rubbish: plastic, paper, glass...
4.- Don't waste water: use only what you need.
5.- Heating at home: regulate your heating at 18 degrees.


sow: plantar
rubbish: basura
waste: malgastar
heating: calefacción

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

A present for tomorrow.

Tomorrow we've got a Maths exam. Here I let you the final excercise, the most difficult one.

Complete this series:

3, 6, 30, 870...

Good luck!

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Some mathematics.

Today Belinda told me that in the blog there is only English, English and English. It's true; so I give you a mathematical series to rack your brains:

Can you complete this series?

111 = 2
123 = 7
823 = 14
567 = ?

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

              THE ARCTIC FOX.


The arctic fox is one of the most beautiful animals in the world. He lives in arctic areas (Alaska, norh of Russia, north of Canada and coasts of Greenland) He can weather very cold temperatures and terrible winter storms. He eats small animals (mice, lemmings and some insects), sea birds and fish. Arctic foxes are very intelligent and adaptable. Actually they are in danger, as a consequence of climatic change. Perhaps he will dissapear in only twenty years.


  • beautiful: bonito
  • world: mundo
  • can weather: puede aguantar
  • mice: ratones
  • danger: peligro
  • change: cambio
  • perhaps: quizá

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

The three pigs.

This is the story that we have written at class. Can you remember it?:

"Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They were drinking in a lake. Suddenly, a fierce wolf attacked them. But the wolf died because he was vegetarian. Finally, the three pigs were happy forever"


  1. Once upon a time: érase una vez.
  2. there were: había
  3. Fierce: fiero
  4. were: verbo to be en pasado. Se traduce como estaban, estuvieron, eran o fueron (para segunda persona del singular y para primera, segunda y tercera del plural)
  5. was: verbo to be en pasado. Se traduce como era, fue, estaba o estuvo (sólo para primera y tercera persona del singular)
Verbo to be en presente:

I am
you are
he is 
she is 
it is
we are
you are 
they are.

Verbo to be en pasado (equivale a los tiempos españoles de pretérito imperfecto y pretérito perfecto simple de indicativo de los verbos ser y estar)

I was
you were
he was
she was
it was
we were
you were
they were.

I see you tomorrow!!

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2015

This is the "famous" list of animals that I use at class. Now you can learn it!

I will upload more photocopies in the future. Now, if you loose one of them, you can print it from this blog.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015

Vocabulary of today.

Today the class was focused on materials. Here you have the full list with new words (in red)

Stone, paper, metal, iron, steel, clay, felt, silk, wood, wool, gold, silver, limestone, granite, basalt, cork, plastic, pottery (ceramic), plasticine, thread, leather, marble, glass, brick, straw, plaster, cooper, tin, lead, bronze, platinum, diamond, emerald, ruby, brass.

clay: arcilla    
basalt: basalto    
pottery: cerámica (cacharros)    
leather: cuero    
marble: mármol
brick: ladrillo  
cooper: cobre    
tin: estaño                                
lead: plomo      
brass: latón.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

Christmas song.

As you know, this year we are going to sing a beautiful song composed by J. Lennon: "war is over" Here we go with an adapted version:

So this is Xmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Xmas (war is over)
For weak and for strong (if you want it)
For rich and the poor ones (war is over)
The world is so wrong (now)
And so happy Xmas (war is over)
For black and for white (if you want it)
For yellow and red ones (war is over)
Let's stop all the fight (now)

A very Merry Xmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear