domingo, 17 de junio de 2018
martes, 12 de junio de 2018
A mummy's tale.
A mummy's tale.
- Where did the story happen?
- What was inside the classroom?
- What was the problem with this object?
- What did they decide to do?
- What did it happen later at the vicar's door? What did he think about that?
- Who else heard the noise?
- Where else the noise was heard?
- What did people finally think?
- What happened with the casket again? What was inside it?
- What did they do in order to stop the problem? Did they get it?
jueves, 7 de junio de 2018
Volcanic eruption in Guatemala
Today we'll also deal with this report about the last world's disaster: Volcán de fuego's eruption.
Volcán de fuego's eruption
Volcán de fuego's eruption
The legend of the unicorn.
Today we'll work with this text.
Unicorn's legend
And these are the questions:
Unicorn's legend
And these are the questions:
- Where does the story happen?
- What animal lived there?
- Did people love the unicorn? Or did they want to hunt and kill him?
- How was the princess? Describe it.
- Why the princess went out of the caslte? What did she want to do?
- Did she get lost? Where did she arrive?
- The princess fainted. What animal found her?
- Did the unicorn attack the princess?
- What did the unicorn do with the princess?
- What law did the king promulgate about the unicorn?
martes, 5 de junio de 2018
Ulysess and the Cyclops.
Ulysses was an ancient Greek hero. He was completely human (no god was his father) He wasn't very strong, he couldn't fly, he had no magic... His only weapon was his great intelligence and cunning.
Ulysses was king of Itaca (a Greek island) He was called to participate in Troy's war. He was fighting more than 20 years, far from his house. During all this time he missed his wife Penélope, his son Telémaco and his land very much.
When the war finally ended (Ulysses was the architect of that victory, thanks to the famous trick called "the horse of Troy"), all warriors returned home. But Ulysses couldn't, because a problem he had with Poseidon, the sea god. Poseidon condemned him to travel around Mediterranean sea during 20 more years. Ulysess had lot of adventures: he listened to the sirens, he travelled to the hell, he saw horrifying monsters... The adventure I'm going to tell you is about cyclops Polyphemus.
Trying to arrive at home, Ulysses found a lonely island. Because his foodstuff and water reserves were decreasing, he decided to stop there in order to get some supplies. Ulysses took a big jar of wine with him, as a present for possible island inhabitants.
In that island he found a cave in which there were many sheep. Also cheese, lambs, meat... Ulysses and his men, very pleased about their discovery, started to collect all that stuff.
But suddenly a great one - eyed giant appeared there, closing the cave with a big rock and capturing them inside. He got angry because those small "thiefs" were stealing his cattle. So, Polyphemus (this was the name of the monster, who in addition was son of Poseidon) decided that he would eat them that evening as dinner.
Fortunately, Ulysses had an idea. He offered the wine jar to Polyphemus. The cyclop completely drank it, getting drunk and asleep. Then, the hero held an spear and drove it in the giant's only eye. Polyphemus awoke. Checking he had been blinded, he opened the cave and called his brothers asking for help. Ulysses and his men sneaked out from there, fleeing away from the island.
When the war finally ended (Ulysses was the architect of that victory, thanks to the famous trick called "the horse of Troy"), all warriors returned home. But Ulysses couldn't, because a problem he had with Poseidon, the sea god. Poseidon condemned him to travel around Mediterranean sea during 20 more years. Ulysess had lot of adventures: he listened to the sirens, he travelled to the hell, he saw horrifying monsters... The adventure I'm going to tell you is about cyclops Polyphemus.
In that island he found a cave in which there were many sheep. Also cheese, lambs, meat... Ulysses and his men, very pleased about their discovery, started to collect all that stuff.
But suddenly a great one - eyed giant appeared there, closing the cave with a big rock and capturing them inside. He got angry because those small "thiefs" were stealing his cattle. So, Polyphemus (this was the name of the monster, who in addition was son of Poseidon) decided that he would eat them that evening as dinner.
domingo, 3 de junio de 2018
Container definitions.
- Container usually made of wood, with a top and lock or bolt. Typical of Pirates.
- Bag, commonly used by women.
- Thin and long tube commonly used at laboratories.
- Big container usually made of wood. Wine can be stored and aged inside it.
- Piece of cloth, sewed by three parts, with a wide mouth. It can contain wheat, cement, animal feed... Santa Claus store presents inside it.
- Very small glass container. It usually stores medicine or poison.
- Very small glass. People serve alcoholic drinks on it.
- Container with handle in which you usually serve water at lunch time.
- Glass container with a top. People use to store jam, cereals, lentils, rice... inside it.
- Article where people keep their money. Usually made of leather or cloth.
- Cylindrical container with a handle. It usually contains water.
- Article where you can keep or carry documents and papers. It has got a handle. It can be made of leather, cloth or plastic.
- Glass container covered by rope. Old - fashioned. It has got two handles. It usually contained wine.
- Place in which the postman introduces mail.
viernes, 1 de junio de 2018
The Minotaur.
One of the most beloved Greek legends is "The Minotaurus":
Many years ago there were two important cities: Athens and Knossos. Knossos was ruled by a cruel and despotic king called Minos. Minos was very powerful, and had conquered or dominate all lands around him. Athens was one of the conquered cities, and it had to pay a tribute of 100 young men and women every year. Their destiny was awful: to feed the horryfing monster half bull half man called "Minotaur".
At this point appears the hero: Theseus. Thesesus was prince of Athens. He decided to travel to Knossos hidden among the 100 young people with a fair goal: to kill the minotaur and to stop the annual tribute.
When Theseus arrives to Knossos, a girl called Ariadne falls in love with him. She tells him that if he wants to go out of the labyrinth, he has to take a ball of thread and unroll it while going inside the maze. After killing the monster, he should roll the thread again, returning alive to the daylight.
Theseus follows Ariadne's advice point by point. He kills the Minotaur, and then he comes back outside the labyrinth. When Ariadne is going to embrace and kiss him, Thesesus rebuffs her. She stood on the beach first astonished, then heartbroken, crying while the hero returned to Athens.
At this point appears the hero: Theseus. Thesesus was prince of Athens. He decided to travel to Knossos hidden among the 100 young people with a fair goal: to kill the minotaur and to stop the annual tribute.
When Theseus arrives to Knossos, a girl called Ariadne falls in love with him. She tells him that if he wants to go out of the labyrinth, he has to take a ball of thread and unroll it while going inside the maze. After killing the monster, he should roll the thread again, returning alive to the daylight.
Theseus follows Ariadne's advice point by point. He kills the Minotaur, and then he comes back outside the labyrinth. When Ariadne is going to embrace and kiss him, Thesesus rebuffs her. She stood on the beach first astonished, then heartbroken, crying while the hero returned to Athens.
- What was the Minotaur?
- Where did he live?
- What problem had Athens with Knossos?
- How many young men and women were sent to Knossos every year from Athens?
- Who is the hero?
- What was his goal?
- Who helped Theseus?
- Did he kill the minotaur?
- How did he scape from the labyrinth?
- What happened with Ariadne?
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