Why on January the 30th?
On this date we commemorate the anniversary of Gandhi's death.
Who was Gandhi?
Somebody who got a lot of things without violence, only with pacific actions. His main achievement was the "Indian Independence Act": the independence of India from the British Empire. Imagine how difficult is to do this without war, weapons, reprisals or bloodshed. Unbelievable, but true.
What kind of methods did he use?
His most powerful weapon was the hunger strike: it consists in to stop eating until you get your goal. Gandhi did many hunger strikes during his life. For this reason he was so thin!! But apart of this strategy, he was also very intelligent and creative. He was continuosly inventing pacific methods for achieving his goals.
Why did he die?
His enemies tried to kill him five times. And finally they got it. His murderer was a religious extremist who wasn't agree with him.
What can we learn about Gandhi?
Don't use the violence. When you hit, kick or punch to somebody, you are not a person, but a wild animal one step back. The best fighter achieves his goals speaking, convincing and thinking.
"Animals figth; persons speak"