lunes, 26 de febrero de 2018
domingo, 25 de febrero de 2018
Miscellaneous definitions.
- Instrument used for unblocking pipes. It has got a handle and a rubber bell.
- Electrical appliance used for hair drying.
- Utensil used for shaving. It has got a handle.
- Utensil used for making fire.
- Toy, specially used by babies.
- Instrument used for hanging the laundry. It's usually made of wood or plastic.
- Place in which we connect electrical appliances.
- Utensil used for cleaning ears and the auditory channel.
- Instrument used for washing the dishes.
- A kind of throwaway "uderwear", specially used by babies, designed for containing poo and piss.
- Hygienic fragant article used for armpit smelling.
- Money made of metal. Usually round.
miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018
Climatic change has brought a perennial lack of water in our region. You have only to visit the countryside, or to have a look at our water reservoirs in Orellana or García Sola. The outlook is heartbreaking: step by step, Extremadura is becoming desert. So, ¿what can we do?
- To save water in Agriculture. Agriculture takes a 70% of the total use of water. Spanish agriculture should be more efficient by taking some basic actions focused on water saving: to use drop by drop watering systems, to grow drought - adapted crops, to improve and renew old - obsolete irritagion systems...
- To save water at home. By adopting some single and easy measures we can save water: to close the tap when we're brushing our teeth; to have a shower, not a bath; to water the garden in the early morning or in the late evening; to start the washing machine only when it's completely loaded; etc.
- To research in water - desalinate systems. Ultimately, the responsability of this problem lies in our government. They have to invest funds in R & D (research and development) in order to find inexpensive methods for desalinating sea water.
jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018
This weekend I propose you to describe this photo. It is not obligatory; in fact, I didn't say anything about it last Thursday. But if somebody enters in the blog, reads it and writes a description, I will reward him / her with one extra point.
Grammatical structures that you need: There is... / There are... (There is... for singular; there are... for plural)
Grammatical structures that you need: There is... / There are... (There is... for singular; there are... for plural)
Games for studying.
Here I compile all the games you should have to play for increasing your English skills:
Language games by David F.
Language games by David F.
Furniture Definitions II
- Instrument in which you can squeeze juice.
- Small table at the bedside.
- Electrical appliance in which you can toast bread.
- Utensil used for boiling water. Also for making soup. It is round and deep. It is made of metal or clay. It has two handles, and sometimes a cover.
- Substance used for corporal hygiene. Also for cleaning.
- Instrument used for cleaning the dust.
- Container in which you store salt or peeper. You also use it for adding them to the food.
- Place in which you make fire at home.
- Instrument used for grating cheese or bread.
- Piece of cloth which we use when eating for cleaning mouth and hands.
viernes, 9 de febrero de 2018
Furniture II.
Last Thursday I gave you a picture dictionary. It was about furniture. Review it now with this game:
Furniture II
Furniture II
jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018
miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018
English Exam.
I've corrected your exams. There are only four which didn't get A. Tomorrow I will return them to you.
lunes, 5 de febrero de 2018
Information for tomorrow's exam.
Look at this picture. If I were you, I would prepare a description of what's happening on it. Because I have given you this clue, tomorrow I expect the best from you. Do an awesome exam and make me happy. I see you!!
domingo, 4 de febrero de 2018
Furniture definitions.
- Place in which you poo or piss,
- Instrument with which you can cut the food in your plate.
- Device which controls waterflow in pipes.
- Electrical appliance, usually at the kitchen, in which you can heat the coffee or the cocoa drink. You can also defrost food and heat it.
- Piece of furniture in which you usually sleep.
- Cleaning tool with which you can sweep the floor.
- Instrument in which butane gas is stored. It is heavy and orange.
- Big and wide table, usually with drawers.
- Electrical appliance where you can wash dirty plates, dirty forks, spoons...
- Long and plastic tube used for watering plants. Usually at the garden.
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