jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017

martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017


What are they doing? Write.

Resultado de imagen de IMÁGENES DE ACCIONES
1.- The girl washes her hands.                               7.- The girl pricks food.
2.- The girl reads a book.                                      8.- The girl paints a picture.
3.- The boy eats a sandwich.                                 9.- The boy skips.
4.- The girs smells the soup.                                10.- The boy dries his hands.
5.- The boy combs his hair.                                 11.- The boy enjoys on the slide.
6.- The girl writes with a pen.                              12.- The boy licks the ice cream.

martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

Funny medical stories.

“Here,” says the nurse, handing the patient a urine specimen container. “The bathroom’s over there.” A few minutes later, the patient comes out of the bathroom.
“Thanks,” he says, returning the empty container. “But there was 
a toilet in there, so I didn’t need 
this after all.”

My patient announced she had good news … and bad. “The medicine for my earache worked,” she said. “What’s the bad news?” I asked.
“It tasted awful.”
Since she was feeling better, I didn’t have the heart to tell her they’re called eardrops for a reason. 

lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Heartache song

It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Hits you when it's too late
Hits you when you're down
It's a fool's game
Nothing but a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain
Feeling like a clown
It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Love him 'til your arms break
Then he let's you down
It ain't right with love to share
When you find he doesn't care for you
It ain't wise to need someone
As much as I depended on you
Oh, it's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Hits you when it's too late
Hits you when you're down
It's a fool's game
Nothing but a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain
Feeling like a clown

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017


I've prepared a game with which you can study the verbs that we learn in class. Try it!

Actions I

Actions I I

jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017

Contents for the exam.

Next Monday we have got our second English exam. These are the contents:

1.- Comparatives (from the blog)
2.- Text of strange lights in Magacela.
3.- Actions.
4.- Halloween monsters: I give you the definition and you write the name in English.
5.- Physical appearance.

6.- Wh – questions: Who, where, when, what, how.