martes, 19 de enero de 2016

The locked Room (VI)


I'm awake again. It's quiet outside. The sun is shining outside the window. There's food and water on the table. I'm not tired now, and my head is OK.

Someone is coming. The door opens. It's the man in black clothes.

Man: Do you want to talk now?
Me: What about?
Man: Ok. Who are you?
Me: Who are you?
Man: I'm asking the questions. Why are you here?
Me: You tell me.

Then he hits me. He hits me across the face.

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Vocabulary about plants.

Here you have some words related to plants. The list includes words taught today and new words. Can you remember the meaning of them? You know the blue ones.

Thyme                    Cabbage                  Palm tree            
Lavender                Chard                      Fin
Ivy                          Beans                      Pine
Oak                        Poppy                     Lawn
Holm Oak               Daisy                      Rosemary
Willow                    Iris                          Parsley
Ash tree                  Sun flower              Oregano
Poplar                     Mosses                  Mint
Rose bush               Lily                         Peeper
Carnation                Lilac
Geranium                Bramble
Vine                        Petunia
Bracken                  Water lily
Reed                       Rockrose
Cane                       Orchid

Tomorrow I will explain the other meanings. Study!

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

A problem!!

I want to make a break in the story "the locked room". Here I offer you a problem:

"Luis is thinking in three consecutive numbers. These numbers make a total of 27. What numbers are they?"

Consecutive numbers: números consecutivos (esto es, números que van uno tras de otro, como 1, 2, 3  ó 5, 6 ó 7)

Make a total of: Suman un total de

domingo, 10 de enero de 2016

The locked Room (V)

Man: Wake up!
Me: What? My head...
Man: I'm going to ask you some questions. Who are you?
Me: I don't know.
Man: What's your name?
Me: I don't know.
Man: I'm going to ask you again. What's your name?
Me: I can't tell you. I don't know.
Man: Drink this.
Me: No, I can't, there's …

Man: You are going to drink. Do you understand?

There's a gun in his hand. I drink from the glass... The room is dark...

viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

The locked room (IV)

He's got a glass on his hand. I drink from the glass... I'm very tired again. I'm going to sleep...

What time is it? My head is hurting again. I'm on the bed, and the room is dark. I can't hear music now. I'm going to turn on the light.

Now I can see. There's a glass on the table. I'm thirsty again... I'm going to drink from the glass... Sleep! I'm going to sl...