lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

The locked room (3)

He is in the room. He's wearing black trousers and a black shirt. I don't know him.

Man: Hello. How's your head?
Me: My head? It's OK. It doesn't hurt now.
Man: Good.
Me: W here am I?
Man: You don't know?
Me: No.
Man: Are you thirsty?
Me: yes. I'm hungry and thirsty.

Man. Drink this.

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2015

The locked room (2)

Who am I? I can't remember. I can't remember my name. I can't remember anything. My head hurts a lot. I'm very tired. I'm going to sleep.

It's morning. I'm on the bed. I'm wearing the grey clothes. I'm very hungry and very thirsty. I can hear music again, it's the Mozart again. My head doesn't hurt now, but I can't remember my name. I can't remember anything. I can hear someone. There's someone outside the room. The door's opening...

viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015

A water problem.

Six persons are drinking water. They drink 21 glasses. Each person has drunk a different number of glasses. Do you know how many glasses has each person drunk?


has drunk: ha bebido
each: cada


miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

The locked room (1)

During this Christmas I will upload a story in small chunks. This is the first one, worked today at class:

Where am I? I don't know. I'm in a beautiful room in an old house. There's a bed, an expensive chair and a beautiful table. I can't see anything form the window, only a green field. The sun is shining on the field. I can hear music, quiet music. It's Mozart.

Why am I here? I don't know. My head is hurting. I can't open the door, and I can't open the window. I'm wearing grey trousers and a grey shirt. I'm not wearing any shoes. I'm hungry and thirsty. There isn't any food or drink. There's a pen and some paper on the table. There isn't anything on the paper.

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

The two bottles.

There are two bottles on one side of a fountain. One of them fills 5 litres, and other 3 ltres. The aim is to get four exact litres.

Rules: you can only use the two bottles and water. You can transfer water from one to another bottle.


bottle: botella.
aim: objetivo.
get: conseguir

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

The raven and the jug.

There is a thirsty raven flying above the desert. Suddenly he sees a jug with water. He tries to drink, but he can't because the water level is at the bottom of the jug. Looking around, he can find many pebbles. Do you know what can he do for drinking the water?


thirsty: sediento
suddenly: de repente
jug: jarra de boca estrecha
tries: intenta
around: alrededor
pebbles: chinatos
Know: sabes

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

An interesting problem.

We have got a weighing scale and nine weights. All the weights the same, excepting one. Can you know what is de different weight in two weightings?

Translation: Tenemos una balanza y nueve pesas. Todas ellas pesan lo mismo, exceptuando una ¿Podrías saber cuál es la pesa diferente con solo dos pesajes?

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Parts of animals.


The list that we have learnt today at class. There's no translation because I've explain the meaning of these words at class. If somebody didn't copy the meanings, she/he must search them in the internet. I see you tomorrow!!

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

The letuce, the wolf and the sheep.

A shepherd wants to cross a river. He travels with a sheep, a wolf and a letuce. He has got a boat; but in this boat he can carry only one element from one to another bank. How can he cross the river? You should consider that:
  • The wolf eats the sheep if the shepherd lets them alone.
  • The sheep eats the letuce if the shepherd lets them alone.
Good luck!! We will solve the problem tomorrow.


Shepherd: pastor
wants: quiere
cross: cruzar
travels: viaja
boat: bote
carry: llevar
only: solo
bank: orilla
How: cómo
should: deberías
lets them alone: los deja solos